Writer in Residence Consultations: Time slot 3

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Allowed Ages: 12 to Over 18

Program Description

Event Details

Summer 2024 Writer in Residence - Laraine Herring

Published author Laraine Herring is offering 30-minute virtual consultation sessions for aspiring writers. Book your appointment(s) now by registering for a timeslot. The appointments will be held on Zoom and a link will be sent to you in the confirmation email. 1-1 Consultations are open to teens and adults. This is a chance to ask general questions about writing-the art, the craft, and the process. Please come prepared with a couple of questions for your session.

Laraine Herring, Prescott Valley’s Writer-in-Residence, is a Barbara Deming Award winning author. Her memoir, A Constellation of Ghosts, made several top ten lists in 2021. She has numerous books published including On Being Stuck: Tapping into the Creative Power of Writer’s Block, and The Grief Forest: A Book About What We Don’t Talk About.

Laraine Herring has an MFA in Creative Writing and an MA in Counseling Psychology. She is a tenured professor of psychology and creative writing at Yavapai College and has been teaching since 1993. She has conducted webinars for Corporeal Writing, Creative Nonfiction Magazine, Phoenix Author’s Group and more, and has earned grants through the Arizona Artists Roster.

Learn more about Laraine Herring on her website here: Laraine Herring

More info? 928.759.3040

This project is supported by the Arizona State Library, Archives & Public Records, a division of the Secretary of State, with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.