Verde Valley Weavers & Spinners Guild and Rainbow Acres weavers: "Woven Wonders" are displayed throughout the library.
Focuses on the natural development of skills through the enjoyment of books, the importance of positive interactions between babies and parents, and the critical role of literacy-rich experiences. 30-45 minutes of fun, musical, 
Stories, songs and more!
Cancelled today - Baby Time, birth - 2 years with adult
Come share short stories, fun songs, early literacy tips, and kindergarten skills. Same program on Wednesday and Thursday.
Time for adults to relax, have fun, and build positive relationships in the community. Coffee and coloring supplies are provided, but feel free to bring your own, if you like!
Cancelled Today - Toddler Time, 2-3 years old with adult
Come share short stories, fun songs, early literacy tips, and preschool skills.
Class is only 30-45 minutes long; please come early to look for books, visit the bathroom and eat snacks before class. Thank you.
Use our sewing machine, badge making machine or Cricut die-cutting machine.
Join us for an interactive parent-child workshop held in stand-alone sessions for parents/caregivers and children from 3 to 5 years old.
Have questions regarding the Census 2020? Interested in working for the Census 2020? Stop in the library and talk to
Jeremy Browne, Recruiting Assistant for the U.S. Bureau of the Census
Learn how to create new folders, copy or move items, delete and rename docs or photos.
This is not a library-sponsored event.
Meeting of a group that enjoys felting.
Meet and learn from Elizabeth Martina Bishop, Ph.D, book coach & mentor, editor and author. She will share her process for memoir writing. Refreshments provided by the Friends of Clark Memorial Library.
Bring a mat or towel and follow yoga videos with other healthy like minded folks in a calm setting.
A gentle exercise combining slow movement, deep breathing, focused intention, or a "Moving Meditation" to increase strength, balance and posture, prevent falls, improve mind, body and spirit, and reduce stress and increase relaxation.
This is not a library-sponsored event.
Gathering to play Pokémon.
No-cost tax preparation and e-filing services for taxpayers of all ages.
The checklist below includes items you need to bring when you visit an AARP Foundation Tax-Aide site for us to help you prepare your tax return(s)
English as a Second Language are drop in classes to practice and learn conversation skills. These classes include grammar, reading, and writing in a relaxed and social setting.
Bring a mat or towel and exercise along with a yoga video in a peaceful environment.
Join us for a free movie, popcorn and beverage. Brought to you by the Dewey-Humboldt Friends of the Library.