Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
Learn the basics of using a PC with the Windows 10 Operating System.
Feel free to bring your own device or use one of the 15 laptops the library has available for use.
Teen Musician Mechanics takes place on Saturdays at 10:00 am in Camp Verde Community Library's Teen Library. TMM will be focused on the nuts-and-bolts side of musical instruments, in a literal sense: repairing, modifying, maintainin
Outdoor Games for Kids
Summer Reading Program STREAM Hour
Summer Reading Program STREAM Hour
Need to brush up on your Technical Skills or get started with a new device?! Wendy Cook-Roberts can help!
Wendy Cook-Roberts offers technical assistance with devices, such as phones, tablets, laptops, etc.
The Wilhoit Library welcomes you to bilingual story-time. Everyone is welcome!