Baha'i Faith of Cottonwood

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

Collectively, humanity is now birthing an emerging global consciousness that signals our emerging maturity, our coming of age, in a time when our most challenging issues have risen to the level where concern for one region is concern for the entire planet.

The transformation of consciousness we have now entered requires that we transform not only how we view religion, but also how we view humanity itself. A global ethic cannot be fully realized until we adopt and live by a consciousness of oneness based on the truth that humanity is one.

The Baha’i teachings declare that a new chapter in the evolution of religion has emerged. The springtime of the inner world is infusing a new spirit into the outer world. Unseen but ever-present spiritual forces, revealed progressively and cyclically, are being released in our time, pushing evolution to higher levels of convergence, ensuring humanity’s coming of age. We live at the conjunction of transformation and integration, where peace and world unity become truly achievable goals as we build a culture of wholeness, the foundation of a new civilization.